Published in 11.04.2023
Nr. /Data: 6 / 13.01.2025 Anunt derulare achizitie directa Programul Educație și Ocupare (PEO) 2021-2027 Prioritate: P09 „Consolidarea participării populației în procesul de învățare pe tot parcursul vieții...
Published in 13.01.2025
While every client’s „pain point” situation is different, we’re here to provide solutions and results. We work together to develop a thoughtful humagilionic strategy to bridge the gap between...
Published in 22.03.2023
While every client’s „pain point” situation is different, we’re here to provide solutions and results. We work together to develop a thoughtful humagilionic strategy to bridge the gap between...
Published in 22.03.2023